For those of you that know me on a personal level, you know I have a thing for music. I know what I think sounds good, and enjoy discovering new tastes. I know I have turned on many people to stuff that they now listen to regularly, and others have done the same for me. I find I am more in the Indie scene than anywhere else. I enjoy the genuine group doing what they genuinely enjoy doing and getting to know them a little. It's what I do.
I recently was brought on as a contributer for Spectrum Culture. A very good resource for talking about the music today that everyone else will be talking about tomorrow. Lots of reviews of music, food, film. I get to do reviews on bands, maybe a concert or two and hopefully interview some new or old talent. I am totally excited. Dream job? Just maybe...
I hope you enjoy my pics. No particular rhyme or reason. I shoot what catches my eye.